affiliate swipes LeadGen Giant 1/30/17 =============================================== [subject heads]: Offline 'LeadGen Giant' Download Available Today... Pain-Free Monthly Income With New Offline System... J.Edwards,Offline Flop Turns It All Around... Better, Simpler Faster Lead Gen StartUp... Why Hunt For New Clients Every Month When You Have This? Unexpected Results From A Lead Gen Method... Forget Regular Offline Marketing, This Is Better... If You Can't Get Clients With THIS, Take My Advice, QUIT! [New] 63-Yr-Old Consultant Hits Jackpot...Want In Too? Who Wants 4 Offline Clients In A Week..No Cold Calls? SHAME On Offline Gurus For Not Sharing This Simple Lead Gen Method... New Lead Gen Method Is Your Little Cash Cow... The Offline Local Testers Were Skeptics, But OMG, Not Now... LeadGen Giant Just Changed The Rules In Offline... ================================================ Follow-Up Email Header: "I Knew There'd Be A Rush To Get This, But NOT LIKE THIS..." [Offline Update] Price Freeze Ends Soon... ================================================= Body Copy: Hi- I get hit up by folks who ask me how to get offline business going...BUT...they don't want to cold call, knock on doors or spend a lot. AND, they want a Steady Income...not the roller coaster ride most consultants endure. Before today that was basically a long process... BUT,my marketer friend Bruce and his partner Jim have developed a simple way to get clients paying monthly because they VALUE the service so much...and do it quickly.[Affiliate Link] Its a killer offline training product that focuses on the absolute BEST Lead Gen prospects (some you'd never think of) and grabs their attention FAST - no question about it. . Oh btw, his new offline client system is called "Be A LeadGen Giant" and works in ANY Market niche. The testimonials and incomes being made will excite you...his friend JEdwards makes a full time offline income...but still has a full time job, too. Bruce's cramed so much into this package, Its for sure worth a lot more, so hurry over and SAVE right now. [Affiliate Link] PS...Every Offline Marketer ought to taste the sweet STEADY income that comes to LeadGen Providers. __________________________________________________ EMAIL 2 My friend, what do think separates the offline winners from the ones failing? Knowledge? Experience? Money?... Give up? The answer in my experience, is an unreliable income Y'know, One month they feel rich, the next, they qualify for food stamps! frustrates them and causes many to give up. My marketer friend Bruce helped his buddy JEdwards finally start making a steady incone in consulting... ... by mastering Lead Gen for local businesses. They focused on the REAL problem most businesses have; Getting more clients! And using their system, they filtered out all the businesses that would never pay them well. ...and then targeted the best prospects. Its a dignified, targeted, powerful way to build a LeadGen business. They use Special Marketing Flyers and Emails rather than cold call or door knock. Bruce & Jim are teaching this to new and experienced marketers and already getting very impressive results... This has gotten a lot of attention and I can see why. His system removes a HUGE roadblock to rapid client acquisition. Let them tell you themselves, RIGHT HERE. [Affiliate Link Here] All the best, [name ] __________________________________________________________ Email 3 Just imagine if there was a simple way to get thousands of dollars every month, with only 2 or 3 offline clients. That is being done right now with this new Offline Lead Gen System... My marketer friend "Bruce Newmedia" and his consultant buddy Jim are getting great results WITHOUT Pressure and knocking on doors. Want to see for yourself? Go here now for an early access. [Affiliate Link] This system gives you the best chance to sign clients since you'll be targeting only the BEST Prospects and almost guaranteeing yourself a steady monthly income. If you're experienced this is how you scale your business up...If you're new this is where you should start. Most consultants want a high inocme but also a steady one. Their system strategically puts you in front of clients who will WANT to pay you each and every month. Some of their students are already signing clients and seeing checks...Its worth a serious look for yourself RIGHT HERE. [Affiliate Link Here] Its on a dimesale and I expect it to go much higher, so try to catch it early ...and save. All the best, [name ] _____________________________________________________